Spiritual Teachers, Tools, and Fun:
Dr. Joe Dispenza
A message from Dr. Joe Dispenza: "We are a living organism. My hope is that we become a more evolved form of the human species who when freed from the chains of their own limits, heal one another, inform one another; support one another; trust one another; cooperate with one another; shine for one another so others can shine as well. The new consciousness that is emerging during this particular time in history is not based on one individual, but on a collective group of people unified as one mind and one heart pushing the limits of possibility." See Dr. Joes's website for more information on course and retreat offerings. Gregg Bradenwww.greggbraden.comGregg Braden has conducted remarkable research on ancient civilizations to discover what they have to tell us about how our planet is changing. From his investigations into the records of ancient cultures, he has brought to the surface important messages and tools that we can use in our own lives to work with planetary change.
Heartmath™ www.heartmath.orgLearn what "Heart Intelligence" is and how it is far more powerful than mere brain intelligence. Find out how to regulate your heart rate for greater relaxation and heart-mind connection.
Global Coherence
www.glcoherence.org Sync your meditation with others around the world, especially on the Full Moon!
Dr. Dan Siegel may be the foremost current expert and academic influence on what it means to have "mental health". A psychiatrist of renown for his work on attachment and how it fosters brain development. This is brain science at its best. He has made probably the most profound impact in what we now know about how it is possible to re-wire the brain.
Sounds True
Henry Lincoln is a friend and cohort who has long researched what is called "spiritual" geometry in southern France, in and around Rennes Le Chateau. Fascinating life study and guide.
A Travel Blog