Booking/ Inquiry

If you would like to send us a message/ inquiry, please fill in and send the form below.

Repeat Email*
Phone Number
I am interested in the following session(s):
15-min Manifesting Session
15-min Free Consult
Intuitive Heart Session / Energy Healing
Individual Therapy / Life Coaching
Couples Therapy / Relationship Coaching
Personal growth groups inspired by Brené Brown PhD MSW: Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Love for Couples.
Mindfulness & Meditation
Communication Consultation and Coaching
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Relationships Intro

"Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It's the magic sauce."

- Brené Brown PhD LMSW

Deborah helps couples find the grace in relationship. Are you considering making a commitment with your partner? Or maybe you are trying to manage conflict and deal with challenges each of you present.  Having trouble agreeing on an important decision and feel misunderstood?  Perhaps you are deciding if staying together is right? Or possibly you have decided to separate and would like to do it with as much ease and grace as possible.

All relationships offer us a unique window into our own self, our unique gifts, true desires, and life lessons. Naturally we run into bumps on the relationship road but when we are awake to the challenge, our relationship can be the perfect portal to experience more love for our self, more love and a sense of belonging with our partner, so together we can find the mutual support we need to face the world. Relationship therapy is a great way to gain a new perspective, learn new ways of relating, and kindle your unique sense of love and belonging.
Deborah works with couples to cultivate a deeper perspective of each other, a 'relationship consciousness' so to speak. Together we cultivate 'active empathy' as a tool for relationship awareness and employing a variety of strategies with the optional use of photography, couples learn to nourish the relationship with "deep perception". Simply, we can't feel valued unless we feel seen. With the help of therapy couples can discover the power within their 'we-ness'.
I have a career specializing in relationship therapy and coaching, uniquely qualified with a doctorate in relational communication. Initially I was trained as a couple and family therapist and have continued to receive professional training with well-known experts in the field of couple therapy.  I have a range of experience working with couples of diverse orientations and backgrounds including LBGTQ.

Gottman Approach to Couples Therapy - John & Julie Gottman PhD
Psychobiological Approach to  Couple Therapy (PACT) -Stan Tatkin PhD
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) Susan Johnson PhD
Attachment in Couple Therapy - Dan Siegel, MD
(See 'Resources' Tab for recommended references on these approaches to Couple Therapy)

Daring Love™ in 2021!

Thinking your relationship could use an upgrade? Or were you thinking more like an overhaul?! Either way, here are 3 opportunities for making your relationship a priority in 2021 with online video groups or individual meetings. Contact Deborah to find the right space for your relationship.

Deepen your connection and start this year with greater compassion, better communication and more fun!

  1. DARING LOVE™ Couples Group - An Afternoon Experience
    Sample Description:  Click Here >
  2. DARING LOVE™ - A 5-Week Group for Couples
    Sample Description: Click Here >
  3. DARING LOVE™ - Sessions for Couples
    Meet for ongoing indvidualized-for-your-relationshiop sessions, customized to meet your needs. Teleconferencing available.

For more information about The Daring Way™, click here >